Will she cheat on Jesus: Modern Women Modern Manipulation

By Too Much Moxie | Feb 22, 2022
While women claim to be "Good Christians", most are far from it. A woman may go to church every Sunday, but she will stay loyal to her god of choice, consumerism. There is a difference between being religious and being Religious .

The modern day woman believes the earth was made for man's pleasure rather than his sustenance. As such, she feels entitled to whatever her heart desires- provided that it does not interfere with anyone else's rights or happiness. The strawman argument goes like this: if one person has something, the other must want it or they'd have it themselves- therefore they deserve it more because they could do everything for themselves, if only someone didn't keep them down so much...the ole' if-you-have-it-I-shouldn't argument.

Most women will go to Church every Sunday so they can get "answers" about "God's plan". Women believe that life should be easy, and there are many men who comply with this belief. If she finds herself in a difficult situation, she will rely on the church community for support while at the same time complain (whether out loud or internally) about how it is her Community's fault that she finds herself in such a predicament. While taking advantage of other people's generosity under false pretenses, many modern day Christians also feel entitled to act like children their entire lives because after all, they did choose Christianity...or something like that (there aren't any official rules).

Most modern women have been brainwashed into believing that men are the root of all evil. They have been told that they need to be cautious and avoid getting raped. In their pursuit for power, many women will use sex as a weapon if she feels threatened, especially if it's by a man who has rejected her advances in the past or openly discussed his preference for masculine women over feminine fatties. If she can't get what she wants from one man, s he will use other men to get it.

It is not uncommon for a modern day woman to cheat on her husband with another man if he rejects her sexual advances; because after all, she deserves it and she's "worked hard". She has bought into the notion that it should be easy for women, and this mentality extends beyond manipulation and sex- while maintaining an I'm the victim veneer at all times.