Why Nice guys finish Last

By Too Much Moxie | Apr 12, 2022
Why is it that nice guys always seem to finish last? It's a question that has baffled many people for years. There are many theories out there as to why this happens, but the bottom line is that being too nice can sometimes be a turn-off.

Here's the thing: when you're constantly trying to please others and put their needs above your own, you're not being genuine. You're not being true to yourself. And people can sense that. They can see that you're not being authentic and they start to wonder what your real motives are.

What's more, nice guys often end up in the friend zone because they're afraid to make a move. They don't want to risk rejection so they just stay in the background, being a good friend but never anything more.

If you're a nice guy who's tired of finishing last, it's time to make a change. It's time to be more than just a nice guy. It's time to be generous.

Generosity is about more than just giving things away. It's about being open-hearted and loving. It's about being vulnerable and sharing your true self with others. When you're generous, people can see your sincerity and they're drawn to you.

Being generous doesn't mean that you have to give away everything you have. It doesn't mean that you have to put yourself in a position where you're always giving and never receiving. That's not sustainable or healthy.

What it does mean is that you should be generous with your time, your energy, and your attention. Give people the benefit of the doubt. Be patient and understanding. Be there for them when they need you.

It's also important to be generous with your emotions. Don't hold back how you're feeling. Share your joy, your sorrow, your anger, and your love. When you're open and honest with your emotions, people feel like they can trust you.

Finally, don't be afraid to be generous with your love. If you're in a relationship, give your partner all of your love and attention. Don't withhold your affection because you're afraid of being rejected. That just creates distance and resentment.

If you want to be more than just a nice guy, it's time to start being generous. It's time to open your heart and give more of yourself to the world. When you do, you'll find that people are drawn to you and that you start finishing first.