What is Wrong with the Black Culture

By Too Much Moxie | Nov 22, 2021
Black People cannot continue to be the only race of people who do not take responsibility for ourselves and our future. We must be able to get on each other's nerves and challenge each other.

This is how we get better.

Black people get offended when someone of their own race addresses them in a way that is less than civil, but they will go to any black person who will take the time to listen and address them in a less than civil manner.

If we want to be respected, we must respect ourselves and each other first. There is too much animosity between us.

There has been an increase in violence among blacks because of this lack of respect for one another. Someone got mad at someone else and took it out on another black person simply because they knew nothing would be done about it.

We only know how to disrespect one another and not offer a solution of any kind.

This is what we must change if we want to live peacefully. If we do not fix the problem, we will always have these problems with us.

This is not a white problem. It's our problem, so we must fix it.

We can no longer afford to have this behavior if we hope to get ahead in the world. If one of us gets ahead, we all move up from that point because there are fewer of us than whites and other races.

Do you realize that if we had taken responsibility for our lives, education, and community 50 years ago, there would be no need for things like the Black Lives Matter movement today?

Black people are living in their past. They have developed a victims mentality and have given up on becoming strong as a whole and are looking to individually achieve.

Trying to live as individuals in this era is holding us back. We must stop catering to this generation and learn from our past instead of repeating it over and over again which will only make things worse for the next generation.

The black culture has always had a "do what you can get away with" mentality, but we cannot allow that to be our mindset anymore.

We must change the culture we have created to help us achieve our goals We must Change how we view ourselves and how we view us as a collective. we must control our image and get our own narrative out and walk in unity if we are to achieve and gain ground in this fight for legacy resources and politics.

We are far too divided to get the attention of the world. We must work together if we expect results.