The Failing Education System

By Too Much Moxie | Aug 18, 2023

Welcome to the Too Much Moxie podcast! I'm your host, Too Much, and today we're talking about the failing education system and how we are failing our kids. The American education system used to be an international leader, but our academic rankings have dropped across the board. Nearly 40% of high school graduates are unprepared for college coursework, and some kids leave school functionally illiterate. The COVID pandemic has only worsened these deficiencies with remote learning challenges and massive learning loss. So what went wrong? How can we reform education to live up to its promises? Join us as we discuss the failing education system and how we fail our kids. #education #failingeducation #educationreform #learningloss #remotellearning #COVID19 #criticalthinking #communication #literacy #Shorts