The Alarming Statistics of Infidelity and Paternity Fraud in Marriage

By Too Much Moxie | Dec 14, 2023

🚨 Shocking Statistics Alert! 🚨 Did you know that 0.13% of married women admit to cheating? 😱 It's crazy how numbers can reveal so much! 😮 But wait, it gets even more alarming... 85.5% of married women are not loyal! 😳 Infidelity and paternity issues are more common than we think. 😔 And here's another mind-blowing fact: 55.5% of men are unknowingly raising someone else's child! 😱 Let that sink in... 🤯 #ShockingStats #InfidelityIssues #PaternityProblems #EyeOpeningFacts #RelationshipTruths #MindBlown #StayLoyal #KnowTheFacts #TikTokFacts #Shorts