I'm about to open up a can of worms. If you're a single mother – and if you're reading this, you probably are – then you need to be reading this post. Yes, even if you're a terrible mother. You shouldn't have children if you aren't going to provide the proper environment for them to thrive. , I'm not just talking about money and providing food, shelter and clothing. I'm talking about teaching your child morals, giving them a proper education, making sure they have manners, and ensuring that they are productive members of society. We all know there are no excuses for those who don't provide these things. More often than not though, we do our best to make sure our kids have what they need even though we might be lacking in some form or fashion in one or more of these areas. But there are some who just don't care. They don't care about their children, they don't care about what happens to them and they certainly don't care if they grow up to be productive members of society. There are many reasons why parents don't do a good job of raising their kids. Sometimes it's because they themselves were poorly raised and have no idea how to provide the proper environment for their children. Other times, it's because they are too busy trying to make ends meet and can't find the time or energy to help their kids with schoolwork or other activities.