Should Men Give Women money while dating?

By Too Much Moxie | Nov 25, 2022
I'm not sure where you stand when it comes to giving money to women, but I'm sure that you've given money to many women just out of pity. And if you haven't done this, it's only a matter of time before you do. As a self-aware black man, I know what us men are doing to women (or at least the ones we claim to care about). We are feeding them with virtual dollars even though we have made little effort to understand their true financial situation. We think them getting money from us is normal because we've been taught since childhood that females need financial support from men. You'll find articles from bloggers, pundits and psychologists claiming "women like men who pay for everything", or as I call these bloggers "hired writers". It works both ways as women feel entitled to shit from men. The problem with this is that it creates an unhealthy dynamic between men and women. If you don't think so, then I'm sure your relationship is strong. However, if you find yourself in a toxic relationship like many others out there do, then you know what I mean by "unhealthy" dynamics. Because of the way we were raised and the expectations placed on us, men feel like they need to provide for women. But what happens when they're not able to provide? What happens when their job doesn't pay enough or they get laid off? This is where entitlement comes into play; women expect you to take care of them no matter what. The moment a Modern Woman is put in a position to have to pay for a man or something in the relationship, she will either do something small in significance to what the man has already have given, refuse to pay or help out and shame, guilt and insult you the man, till you do and she will resent you the man and find another man when suitable for her, Hence why if she does deal with you and you are broke she will let the other man know you don't do anything for her which gives her a valid reason to leave in her Hypergamy.

So money is the root of all evil right? I think so. Giving money in the process of dating a woman, will only lead to pain and heartache. It's only natural that they see you as a potential source of income and support. As far as relationships between men and women goes, much more deeper and complex issues that are at play. By giving women money you are inadvertently putting her in charge, and if women control sex and men control access to relationship.
then giving money to a woman is empowering that woman and it is no different than giving money to a sex worker. It's her call to tell you yes or no to sex but now she will also control access to the relationship and based on your wallet size how she will treat you.

Never give money to a woman you are dating. Unless it is $40 wink wink. Dating is for one thing only and that is to eventually hook up. It is not to invest in a woman and treat her like a queen. Dating is the period for the woman to hook up with lots of men for fun. and courting is where a Man is finished with dating and hook up culture and really wants invest his time and resources into a woman that he is vetting to be his wife and settle down.