Modern women need a makeover and a new presentation. Women have gotten a bad name and are going to have to start sending some very noticeable choosing signals to men if they plan on securing one. They have got to stop frequenting their old hangouts and plant themselves in new locations where more men exist in order to become a more attractive option for a man. Modern Women have not only destroyed the dating market making it noticeably unfair for todays Men. In Many cases Men are sending cash aps to women before they even go on a date. Men are looking weak and real simpish out here dealing with these Modern Women. The dating Market is terrible for men and it is only going to get worse before it gets better. Can Modern Women be saved? Do Modern Women need a makeover to secure the man she needs? What happens if they change their presentation? Can anything be done to salvage dating and Marriage in the US? Modern Women are not attractive. They have lost their femininity and natural beauty. Modern women are so caught up in being equal to men that they have forgotten how to be a woman. They don’t know how to dress, talk, walk or act like a real woman anymore. Men don’t want this type of woman and we are only left with the choice of dating these types of women because of proximity.