Men rescue women from themselves, but should they... modern Women don't appreciate Men

By Too Much Moxie | Dec 02, 2022
Men have to come in and save women from themselves all the time. And it has gotten so bad that women expect men to rescue them when they get in trouble even though they don't honor that man or respect his role as a man and a provider. Women think men exist just to save them from their bad choices. This is a huge problem because it makes women think that they don't have to be responsible for their actions. They think that men are just there to clean up after them. And this can lead to all kinds of problems within an intimate relationship. Women think men exist just to save them from their bad choices. But what happens when that man stops saving you? What happens when he stops rescuing you from your bad decisions? That’s when women start complaining about how men are evil, selfish and only care about themselves. Women need to understand that men are not their personal saviors. Men are not here to rescue them from their mistakes. Instead of expecting a man to swoop in and save you from your poor decisions, it would be more beneficial if women made better choices in the first place instead of relying on someone else to bail them out.