Have you ever been out with a woman and thought "hmm...something isn't right here"?
Maybe the way she talks about her expensive possessions or perhaps how she speaks about things that you know you can't afford. Perhaps, like one YouTube prankster put it, "you just get a bad vibe". Chances are if you're thinking this then your instincts are correct. This is because those women who carry such an air of entitlement, those women who feel as though they deserve certain things that other's don't, those women may well be gold diggers after only one thing: money.
While there are many videos on YouTube that document men pranking their significant others into revealing whether or not they are gold diggers these types of videos are not what this article is about. This article is instead intended to show how gold diggers do, in fact, exist and that you really shouldn't judge a book by its cover.
As we all know, YouTube pranks are either set up or completely scripted. They're no more real than a selfie of Kim Kardashian and Taylor Swift hugging (and sorry Kimmy, if you remember the second Swift stole your man then this never happened). The same goes for those prankster videos on YouTube where men trick women into "revealing themselves" as gold diggers.
But what happens when something unexpected is caught on tape? What happens when such a video isn't edited to ensure maximum entertainment? Well...you get one woman's reactions as she waits anxiously to meet her online dating love interest only to find that he has staged an elaborate tableau that points out just how financially obsessed some ladies can be.