Let's Bring Back Shame

By Too Much Moxie | Aug 22, 2023

When should we shame? When should we shame? Today, anytime a person's actions show a gross lack of ethics, wisdom, or care for society, we need to shame them. Blatant lying and spreading misinformation, racism, financial corruption, corporate greed, and abuse should all be shamed. We must not validate bigotry on social media platforms and must attack back at those who spread it. We must also be mindful of the fact that some conspiracies are true. The MeToo movement brought productive shaming of predators, but modern women have weaponized shame by calling masculinity toxic. We must revive judicious, proportional shame to save our unraveling society, but not weaponize it like feminists have done. Let us help each other follow our better angels again and use a magnifying glass to inspect everything. With conscientious citizens united by healthy shame, America can fulfill its potential as a beacon of hope for humanity. #shame #ethics #wisdom #society #racism #financialcorruption #corporategreed #abuse #bigotry #conspiracy #MeToo #feminism #masculinity #democracy #justice #honor #loyalty #discretion #dignity #liberty #nuclearfamily #conservative #righteous #America #hope #humanity #Shorts