How to level up fast 10 things you should know from age 17 to 35

By Too Much Moxie | Nov 30, 2021
Leveling up in life is all about maximizing time and getting the most out of it. You can level up in anything, love , work ethic or business.

The only person that levels you down is yourself. If you don't try to improve yourself everyday then you are allowing other people to set your standards for you.

Here are 10 bullet points on how to level up fast from age 17 to 35. So follow these steps carefully if you want to be ahead of your game later!

1.) Love: Be adventurous, push the envelope and take risks with women because this will make them feel safe around you and not threatened which makes them more attracted towards you. When they feel safe around you, they can open up to you more.

2.) Get a job, do not sit at home playing video games or watching what ever is on TV . Do not waste your time on mindless entertainment. You need to put in time at work so you will be able to get more money for your future.

3.) Meet new people, go out and meet new people everyday even when you are tired or not feel like it . Meeting people builds connections with others that could potentially help further down the road.

4.) Always keep learning, read books , listen to podcasts or watch youtube videos that relates to business, social confidence or self improvement. Learn about marketing, sales and make sure you understand them in order to execute them well in the future. Do this every day even when its 2am because if you don't try to learn everyday, then you aren't going to get ahead of your competition.

5.) Be ambitious and do not settle for less, don't be lazy. Set your goals high and work hard towards accomplishing them . When you set a goal it is much easier to accomplish when the goal is high . Always have a vision in life because this will allow you to level up fast . If there isn't a clear vision for your future, how can you plan out your day? This would be like a driver trying to drive somewhere without knowing where they are going. The driver will get lost so make sure that if you want success , then have an idea about what success you want to have in your life .

6.) Be self reliant, don't be a leech. Make sure that at the end of the day, you could take care of yourself because nobody else is going to do it for you. You are responsible for your own actions but make sure that you acknowledge the actions of others as well.

7.) Stay calm and collected under pressure, this will only happen if you stay true to yourself and remain sharp under pressure . This means that when shit hits the fan, your mind must continue to be clear and logical towards facing problems because if not then you will spiral out of control into failure!

8.) Have integrity, be honest with yourself and others. This will allow you to have a clear conscience about what you are doing in life, which is important because if you have low self esteem then you won't enjoy the results of leveling up. Why should I level up if I feel like crap every time someone compliments me? This is like trying to build muscles but not liking people touching your body, which seems ridiculous. So make sure that when other persons compliment your actions, try not to say 'no' or act like they are lying because this creates an illusion that there is something wrong with yourself!

9.) Be confident at all times , You can do this by setting goals for yourself and accomplishing them. You will never be confident if your goals are not high enough, so set them to the max! This will allow you to have a clear sense of what you want in life instead of being lost .

10.) Be aggressive in life because this allows you to get things done in life , when others see that you are about something they will be more likely to respect it or join along with what ever idea you have. This means when I am talking about pushing the envelope when it comes to love, don't be afraid when other people say no. Take failure as an opportunity for growth and determination to succeed next time around! Push your limits by doing crazy shit, this is how you level up.

Those were 10 principles to live by in order to level up fast and I hope you learned something new, if not then please like and subscribe because that is how we grow as a community. Think about this for a second: If the people around me are better than me, then what am I doing wrong? Don't waste time with weak minded people but spend it with those who will help you build yourself into the best version of yourself possible! Remember that nobody else cares more about your well being than you do so make sure you stay on top of your health and fitness levels because without it , you wouldn't want to accomplish anything... including leveling up!