Fair Exchange is no Robbery: what should a woman bring to the table in a relationship

By Too Much Moxie | Mar 15, 2022
When it comes to relationships, Fair Exchange is no Robbery: what should a woman bring to the table in a relationship. Both men and women need to bring something to the table in order for it to be a fair exchange. For women, this means bringing something that is of value to the man. This can be anything from love and affection, to financial security, to household help. Whatever it is, it needs to be something that the man finds valuable in order for him to feel like he is getting a fair deal.

One of the most important things for a woman in a relationship is to figure out what she can bring to the table that is of value to her man. Financial stability and independence are definitely important, but they’re not the only things that matter. A woman should also try to cultivate an atmosphere of love and affection in her relationship, and be someone who her partner can rely on.

Of course, every man is different and will value different things in a relationship. It should be a fair exchange. It’s up to each woman to figure out what her man wants and needs from her. But if she can provide something of value to him, she’ll be more likely to have a lasting, happy relationship.