It's that time of year again, where you are either trying to find the perfect gift for your partner or wondering if he is looking at other people. You know what it is: cuffing season! This article will talk about how men are no longer putting up with women who show their true colors during this time of year and why they should be called out on it.
As cuffing season comes to a close, it is important to reflect on the behavior of many women during this time. For those who are unfamiliar, cuffing season is the time of year where people who are not in relationships attempt to find one so they don't have to be alone during the cold winter months. It typically lasts from October until February and is characterized by people being more willing to settle for someone who is not their usual type. This often leads to people getting hurt because they are not honest with themselves or the person they are dating about what they want.
This year has been different though. Men have finally had enough of women's selfishness and games. In particular, men have grown tired of women who use cuffing season as an opportunity to take advantage of them. These women often have unreasonable expectations and are quick to get angry when things don't go their way. They can be very demanding and are not afraid to put their partners through hell in order to get what they want.
As a result, men are starting to avoid relationships altogether during cuffing season. Instead, they are choosing to spend time with friends or family members. This is a good thing because it will force women to change their ways. If they want to find a partner, they will need to start being honest with themselves and others about what they want. Otherwise, they will continue to be alone while the rest of us enjoy our winter months with those we love. Thank you for reading. Please support the channel by liking and subscribing to the channel.