Andrew Tate banned from twitter, tiktok, ig, youtube

By Too Much Moxie | Aug 22, 2022
Here's the story: Andrew Tate is a comedian and YouTuber who has been banned from all social media platforms for being misogynistic and inciting violence between Men and Women. Andrew Tate is not a Misogynist he is just misunderstood. he just points out the differences between Men and Women.

Andrew Tate has made some very controversial statements about how men are better than women, how women should be submissive to men and how he hates feminists because they want equality, which isn't fair because women are already equal to men!

Andrew Tate also thinks that men should have more rights than women because men are the breadwinners of society and women are just there for sex and babies! He doesn't believe in equal pay either because "Women don't deserve it" according to him. Andrew even claims that if there were more male teachers then boys wouldn't get bullied as much by girls because boys would have male role models who could relate too!

These comments have so far resulted in Andrew being banned from all social media platforms including Twitter, Instagram and YouTube as well as TikTok